Tila Tequila New Photo Nude Naked Boobs

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Tila Tequila, real name - Nguyen. She was born Oct. 24, 1981, Singapore) - American singer, rapper, songwriter, actress, model and television presenter.

Tila Tequila is one of the most popular girls Internet. Young, beautiful, charming, hot girl conquered millions of hearts.

Once in school, Tila stupid famous temper and explosive. Have not yet reached adulthood, with a passport older sister, Tila has clubbers and addicted to drugs. As explained in an interview with Tila Import Tuner, she was also a gang member gang-mestizos.

At age 18, Tila first posed for Playboy. She also participated in erotic dance shows. In 2003, Tila Nguyen got himself a blog on MySpace. Project Summary: a minimum of text, a maximum of images, video, and music.

Apparently, the project "Tila Tequila" was originally a commercial, although their pictures Tila did not ask for money. She played the unbeaten map: professional erotic model with an intriguing past, bisexual, and the virgin who dreams of his prince, and was willing to share their innermost and shares, wrote NEWSru Israel.

Now the blog Tily Tequila read more than 1,5 million subscribers every day their number increased by 3-5 thousand. Tila invites his admirers not only their photos, but also CDs, posters, calendars. All printed matter, of course, applies
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